Thursday, September 11, 2008

a bad day... :(


today i woke up very2 late... perghhh... my mom lupak mok gerak.. adowh2... nasiblah mek terbangun... bila terbangun ya, eran lah juak, knak aritok mcm dah terang oo.. xkan lah kol 6a.m dah terang nak.. (coz usually my mom will wake me up at 6a.m if i have class at 8a.m) so, mek tengok lah jam.. (still blur) its already 6.50a.m... and i asked myself, ari apa aritok ooo.... then, bila mek dah sedar, n remember today is THURSDAY.. and i got ACCOUNT test at 8a.m... dusshhhhh... berebut lah g mandik... kemas2.. (nang cepat lah mandik today).. then turun trus.. luckily, theres no traffic jam rtok tek.. fuhhhh.... laju mna mek drive... pa tekkkk semangat nak sit test account.... THEN... bila sampe kat ITM, pgilah klass tek... sampe2 jak kat klas.. Esot pun fwd some msg to me.. and its look like this.. "salam. keta sy rosak. klas pg ni tpaksa dibatalkan. tq" perghhhhh... sakit ati kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu................ lelah2 mek berebut2 nak pgi klas tek, then batal..... aishhhhh... saba jak aku..... xpa2... bila dah xda klas, so i decide to go to the library... tetiba, bila nak g library ya.. mek tergugok kat tanggak coz i stepped on my kain... aish... nasiblah xda org kat cya.. ehehehhehe.... dahlah library seh tutup... xpalah.. just dudok2 lah kat luar library yaa... then time nak g klas at 10.00am, tgh mek jalan ya, tetiba ada org bukak pintu n mek terlanggar pintu yaaaa... adowhhh.... mcm2 jak.. so i laughed at myself.... ehehhe... malang nya amek aritok..... :(


today family cik sungke umah.. best nya.. x lah sunyik glak... ehhehe.. so, my dad decide to make a begedil for sungke... YUMMYYYYYY..... mek 2 amm tlg lah bpk plh... ehhehehe... nyaman bh begedil polah mek 2..... ya baruk begedil amm ooo.... ehhehee.... sempat juakmbik gambar...

ME yg tgh menggoreng kentang... ehhehhe....
amm yg tgh bertungkus lumus nak melenyek kan kentang.....

AFTER SUNGKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

eheheheh... we go to KAMDAR... with bg gjul, amm, cik maria, my mom, an ME!!!! ehhehehe... mek just bli selendang jak.. i dunno phl mek bli ya tek koh... hehehe.. suka2 jak... bkknya d pake klak pun... eheheh.. my mom n cik maria bli baju kurung yg ready made... emmm.. kalah amek... xpa2... bila dah ada oleh tek, alu mbak balitt... eeheh... then we go to THE SPRING... aish.. nang x alah2 ke spring eyhh... ehheheh... jln2 jak... but, i bought a new flops tek.. banana peel... murah jak.. less than rm30... eheheh.. x payah lah soh dila bli gik... eheheh...

my new flopss.... and its WHITE.... huhuh...
